About Me

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Greymouth, West Coast, New Zealand
Hello and welcome to my BLog. For those of you who don't know, my name is Zenzi and I am currently studying Outdoor Education in Greymouth at Tai Potini Polytechinic. This BLog will inform all of you (my minions) what I have been doing here on the wild West Coast in 2012. I hope you enjoy stalking my years adventures!

Whitewater Kayak- TPP

Date: 27th-2nd February, 5th-9th March
Trip name/ location: Taylorville, Grey High School Pool, Hokitika Swimming Pool, Grey River, Lake Lesley, Arnold River, Tai Po River
Participants: Group 1; Kristin, Julia, Rhys, Hugo, Jono, Logan, Watson, Ari, Rob Bruce, Corey
Duration of activity: 2 weeks
Grade: 1- 2+
Weather conditions: Fine/ overcast/ rain
  Taylorville is where the action started. Never before had I ever sat in a Kayak and the thought of it was pretty daunting. We began our Kayaking journey by splitting into pairs, the beginners were matched up with the more confident and experienced paddlers. We were dunked under the water and barrel rolled, to get used to, the concept of being upside-down, underwater. “Plastic coffin syndrome” was not yet an issue, as I felt pretty safe on the flat water and with my partner Logan. As the day went on, we progressed on to paddle strokes and holding our breath for as long as we could. I struggled to Kayak in a straight line; the Kayak seemed to have a mind of its own. It was official; this meant war.
Swimming Pool Sessions (AKA, where the drowning began)
  I’ve never had any bad experiences with swimming pools (Sure, running around them, on a slippery, wet concrete surface, hasn’t always proved to be the best idea- Not to mention a devastating end to a promising modelling career) and then, the rolling sessions commenced.. It wasn’t all that bad, but it became obvious that getting my roll was going to involve a good technique and mind-set alike. The less I thought about it, the easier it became. It was all very confusing and the times that I did get up, I had no idea how it had happened at all.
Lake Lesley
  Lake Lesley had to be the shoddiest lake, I had ever been on before. I’m surprised we didn’t see any bodies floating around with the abandoned televisions. All “scummyness” aside, I found that this flat water session really helped me with my technique. We worked on edging, paddle strokes and our rolls. Unfortunately my roll still wasn’t consistent but, I wasn’t alone. Some of the second years came along to assist in tutoring us, which I found very helpful.
River Trips
  Any and all confidence gained from pool and water sessions was shattered on my first ever river trip. The almighty Grey River is where we had our first river experience. This is where I encountered my first eddy-line and learnt what it was. I managed to drop my edge too early and go under. I was totally numb, I couldn’t remember anything apart from “pull the tag”- I wet exited. The feeling was crazy; I had never felt so vulnerable before. Panic over took and I had no control, my mind was blank.
  Luckily, things did improve. After several Arnold runs and lots of T-Rescue practise, I began to feel more and more confident in the river. It’s amazing how much happened in two weeks. By the time we got to do our last trip on the Tai Po River, I was really enjoying myself and willing to push myself that little bit harder. I only wet exited the one time throughout out this time period and although my roll was never consistent, I was able to hold my breath and relax under the water, waiting for the T-Rescue. T-Rescue down, check!

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